Start/Finish: Thrunton Woods Picnic Area & Car Park
Distance: 5.6 miles
Time Taken: 2hrs 20mins
Companion(s): None
Route Map:
Having been totally stressed out for the last week or so, due to personal problems and losing my walking partner because of breakdowns and injuries, I felt in need of a big dose of therapy today. I guess we all need some therapy at some time in our lives!
So....the day dawned and I felt I needed to go somewhere familiar, that would provide easy walking with very little navigation required but with some shade and shelter from the unusually hot sun we are experiencing at the moment for this time of year. Hmm.... where should I go? I thought this would be a difficult decision but, strange as it might seem, during my intermittent sleep last night, I experienced a dream about walking through Thrunton Woods. (This is a place which is fairly local to me, where I used to take my 3 daughters walking when they were young and where I first ventured to when taking up walking as a serious hobby when preparing to walk the NSPCC 27 mile Malvern Hack in 2009.) As I had to work from home this morning, Thrunton Woods seemed to be an ideal destination for a couple of hours walking, getting some therapy, not at all strenuous and requiring virtually no navigation whatsover..........unless you decide to venture off the forest tracks!
Anyway, suffice to say that I had a wonderful walk.....the therapy I required was delivered.....I enjoyed some great memories of walking with my daughters when they were young......yes, I talked to an imaginery walking partner at times......I could have stayed out there forever (or at least until it got dark lol ).....and I thoroughly enjoyed the peace and tranquility of it all - I saw no-one apart from at the parking spot on my arrival - mint
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